Latin sayings about knowledge

1. "Scientia potentia est." - Knowledge is power.

2. "Per aspera ad astra." - Through hardships to the stars.

3. "Sapientia est potentia." - Wisdom is power.

4. "Dum spiro spero." - While I breathe, I hope.

5. "Non scholae sed vitae discimus." - We do not learn for school, but for life.

6. "Veritas vos liberabit." - The truth will set you free.

7. "Carpe diem." - Seize the day.

8. "Nosce te ipsum." - Know thyself.

9. "In medio stat virtus." - Virtue stands in the middle.

10. "Fortuna audaces iuvat." - Fortune favors the bold.

Above is Latin sayings about knowledge.

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