Latin sayings about strength and honor

1. "Fortes fortuna adiuvat" - Fortune favors the bold

2. "Virtus in medio stat" - Virtue stands in the middle

3. "Vincit qui se vincit" - He conquers who conquers himself

4. "Honos alit artes" - Honor nourishes the arts

5. "Fides et honos" - Faith and honor

6. "Virtus est vitium fugere" - Virtue is to avoid vice

7. "Fortuna audaces iuvat" - Fortune favors the brave

8. "Honor virtutis praemium" - Honor is the reward of virtue

9. "Virtus post nummos" - Virtue before money

10. "Fortitudine vincimus" - By endurance we conquer

Above is Latin sayings about strength and honor.

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