Latin sayings with pax

1. Pax in bello - Peace in war

2. Pax et bonum - Peace and goodness

3. Pax vobiscum - Peace be with you

4. Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war

5. Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum - Peace is better than the most just war

Above is Latin sayings with pax.

Pool party quotes and sayings

1. Life is cool by the pool.2. Suns out, buns out!3. Let's make a splash!4. Pool hair, don't care.5. Good times and tan lines.6. Just keep swimming.7. Summer vibes and poolside tides.8. Pool party, best party.9. Sun-kissed and poolside bliss.10. Life is better in a bikini by the p

Altmer sayings

1. The higher you climb, the farther you see.2. Wisdom is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the world.3. Magic flows through our veins, connecting us to the Aetherius.4. The path to enlightenment is paved with knowledge and understanding.5. The sun's light reveals the truth, even in the

Alone sayings in hindi

1. अकेला चलना सख्त है, मगर साथ चलना जरूरी है।2. अकेला आदमी दरिया में गोता लगाता है।3. अकेले चलने से डर नहीं लगता, लेकिन साथ चलने की आदत हो जाती है।4. अकेले रहना सीखने की सबसे बड़ी सीख है।5. अकेले चलने का मजा ही कुछ और है।

Cute sayings for 2nd birthday invitations

1. Two-tti Fruity, it's time to party! Join us for [Name]'s 2nd birthday bash!2. Double the fun, double the joy! Come celebrate [Name]'s 2nd birthday with us!3. Two years old and oh so bold! You're invited to [Name]'s birthday extravaganza!4. Twinkle, twinkle little star, [Name] is turning tw

Culchie sayings and phrases

1. Sure, isn't it grand altogether?2. I'm only up the road a piece.3. Ah sure, it's a grand soft day.4. I'm as happy as a pig in muck.5. I'm off to the bog for a bit of turf.6. I'm as full as a tick.7. She's a fine aul' divil.8. I'll be there in me own good time.9. I'm as hungry as

Quotes sayings on pride

1. Pride is a tricky, glorious, double-edged feeling. - Adrienne Rich2. Pride is holding your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed. Courage is what makes you do it. - Bryce Courtenay3. Pride is the mask of one's own faults. - Jewish Proverb4. Pride makes us artificial and humilit

New year quotes and sayings for business

1. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey2. The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. - Melody Beattie3. Success is not in the key of the year, but in the key of persistence. - Unknown4. May the new year bring you

Meaningful sayings about friendship

1. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings. - Unknown2. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. - Woodrow Wilson3. Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.' - C.S. Lewis4. A friend is

Blow sayings

1. Blow off steam2. Blow a fuse3. Blow hot and cold4. Blow your cover5. Blow the whistle6. Blow a kiss7. Blow your mind8. Blow a chance9. Blow a gasket10. Blow it out of proportion

Nga mihi sayings

1. Nga mihi nui - Great greetings2. Nga mihi mahana - Warm greetings3. Nga mihi aroha - Loving greetings4. Nga mihi nui ki a koe - Big greetings to you5. Nga mihi atu ki a koe - Greetings to you