Leg puller quotes and sayings

1. "Beware of the leg puller, for they will trip you up when you least expect it."

2. "Don't let the leg pullers distract you from your path to success."

3. "A leg puller may try to bring you down, but stand tall and keep moving forward."

4. "The leg puller's words may sting, but don't let them shake your confidence."

5. "Stay wary of the leg puller's deceitful ways, and keep your guard up."

6. "Don't be fooled by the leg puller's charm, for their intentions are not pure."

7. "A leg puller will always try to undermine you, but don't let them get the best of you."

8. "Ignore the leg puller's attempts to bring you down, and focus on your own journey."

9. "Don't let the leg puller's negativity affect your positive mindset."

10. "In a world full of leg pullers, be the one who stands firm and rises above their tricks."

Above is Leg puller quotes and sayings.

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