Lisboa sayings

Here are some popular sayings from Lisbon, Portugal:

1. "Quem não tem cão, caça com gato." - "If you don't have a dog, hunt with a cat." Meaning: Make do with what you have.

2. "Quem não arrisca, não petisca." - "Who doesn't risk, doesn't get a snack." Meaning: You have to take risks to achieve something.

3. "Quem não chora, não mama." - "Who doesn't cry, doesn't get milk." Meaning: If you don't ask for something, you won't get it.

4. "Mais vale tarde do que nunca." - "Better late than never." Meaning: It's better to do something late than to not do it at all.

5. "Quem não tem dinheiro, não tem vícios." - "Who doesn't have money, doesn't have vices." Meaning: If you're broke, you can't afford to have bad habits.

These sayings reflect the wisdom and humor of the people of Lisbon.

Above is Lisboa sayings.

Missing boyfriend sayings

1. I miss your smile, your laugh, and your hugs.2. Every moment without you feels like an eternity.3. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.4. You're always on my mind, even when we're apart.5. I miss the way you make me feel loved and cherished.6. Being away from you is the hardest t

Mediaeval sayings

1. All things are difficult before they are easy.2. Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us.3. Do not cross the bridge until you come to it.4. He who hesitates is lost.5. It is always darkest before the dawn.6. No pain, no gain.7. The early bird catches the worm.8.

Deer dog hunting sayings

1. Hunting is not just a sport, it's a way of life.2. In the woods, we are all equal.3. A successful hunt is not measured by the size of the game, but by the memories made.4. The thrill of the chase is what keeps us coming back for more.5. Hunting with a dog is like having a loyal companion

Crude southern sayings

1. He's slicker than a greased pig at a county fair.2. She's all hat and no cattle.3. Well butter my biscuit!4. He's madder than a wet hen.5. She's happy as a dead pig in the sunshine.6. He's busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.7. She's crazier than a road lizard.8.

Sayings about babies being born

1. A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. - Carl Sandburg2. A baby is a little bit of heaven sent down to earth. - Unknown3. Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives. - Kartini Diapari-Oengider4. A baby is a blessing,

Sayings with ignorance

1. Ignorance is bliss.2. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates3. Ignorance breeds fear.4. Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. - William Shakespeare5. The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion o

Romanian sayings translations

1. Cine se scoală de dimineață, departe ajunge. - He who wakes up early in the morning, goes far.2. Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face azi. - Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.3. Cine seamănă vânt, culege furtună. - He who sows the wind, reaps the storm.4. A face pe plac tuturor

Grandma wine glass sayings

1. Wine a little, laugh a lot.2. Wine improves with age, I improve with wine.3. Wine a bit, you'll feel better.4. Wine is sunlight held together by water.5. Wine a little, it'll make you feel better.6. Wine a little, it'll make the day go down easier.7. Wine is bottled poetry.8. Wine

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Happy birthday marion sayings quote

Happy birthday, Marion! May your day be filled with joy, love, and all the things that make you smile. Here's to another year of laughter, adventures, and wonderful memories. Cheers to you, Marion, on your special day!