List of italian sayings

1. "Chi dorme non piglia pesci" - "Those who sleep don't catch any fish" (meaning you have to work hard to achieve your goals)

2. "Meglio tardi che mai" - "Better late than never"

3. "Dove c'è fumo, c'è fuoco" - "Where there's smoke, there's fire" (meaning there is usually some truth to rumors)

4. "L'appetito vien mangiando" - "Appetite comes with eating" (meaning you can become more interested in something as you become more involved in it)

5. "Chi va piano va sano e va lontano" - "He who goes slowly goes safely and goes far" (meaning it's better to take your time and be cautious)

6. "A caval donato non si guarda in bocca" - "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" (meaning don't be ungrateful for what you receive)

7. "Ogni morte di papa" - "Once in a blue moon" (meaning something that happens very rarely)

8. "Non tutte le ciambelle riescono col buco" - "Not all donuts come out with a hole" (meaning things don't always turn out as expected)

9. "La gatta frettolosa ha fatto i gattini ciechi" - "The hasty cat gave birth to blind kittens" (meaning rushing can lead to mistakes)

10. "Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta" - "He who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind" (meaning negative actions can have serious consequences)

Above is List of italian sayings.

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