Literal sayings

1. "A penny for your thoughts."

2. "Actions speak louder than words."

3. "Bite the bullet."

4. "Break the ice."

5. "Caught between a rock and a hard place."

6. "Don't cry over spilled milk."

7. "Every cloud has a silver lining."

8. "Hit the nail on the head."

9. "In the heat of the moment."

10. "Jump on the bandwagon."

Above is Literal sayings.

Popular gun sayings

1. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.2. Shoot first, ask questions later.3. Lock and load.4. Aim small, miss small.5. Come and take it.6. From my cold, dead hands.7. Guns are a girl's best friend.8. Keep calm and carry a gun.9. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a

Better sayings for incorrect

1. Not quite right2. Missed the mark3. Off the mark4. Inaccurate5. Not on point6. Wide of the mark7. Not hitting the nail on the head8. Not quite there9. Not accurate10. Not spot on

Funny sayings on art

1. Art is not a thing; it is a way. - Elbert Hubbard2. I paint like a blind man, now that's art! - Vincent van Gogh3. Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. - Oscar Wilde4. I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart. - Vincent van Gogh5. Art i

Oldest daughter sayings

Here are some sayings that an oldest daughter might relate to:1. Being the oldest means setting the example for your siblings.2. I may be the oldest, but I'll always be my parents' baby.3. Being the oldest means paving the way for your siblings to follow.4. I'm the oldest, so I have to be the

Condolences sayings loss of son

1. Words cannot express the depth of sorrow for the loss of your son. My heart breaks for you during this difficult time.2. May you find comfort in the memories of your beloved son and may his spirit live on in your heart forever.3. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Your son will always be remem

Funny happy birthday sayings for cards

1. Another year older, but still as fabulous as ever! Happy birthday!2. Age is just a number... a really big, scary number. But don't worry, you still look great! Happy birthday!3. They say you're only as old as you feel... so how old are you feeling today? Happy birthday!4. You're not gettin

Dope sayings for instagram

1. Stay humble, hustle hard.2. Good vibes only.3. Chase your dreams, not people.4. Be a voice, not an echo.5. Create your own sunshine.6. Life is short, make it sweet.7. Be a warrior, not a worrier.8. Embrace the journey.9. Radiate positivity.10. Be fearless in the pursuit of what

Snake sayings red on black

Red on black, friend of Jack. Red on yellow, kill a fellow.

Cards sayings

1. Life is like a deck of cards, you never know what hand you'll be dealt.2. A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.3. In the game of life, play the hand you're dealt with grace and courage.4. The best things in life are not things, but the moments we share w

Abbreviations funny sayings

1. LOL - Laughing Out Loud2. ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing3. LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off4. BRB - Be Right Back (But Really, Be Ready to Buy)5. GTG - Got to Go (Goodbye, Tacos Galore)6. OMG - Oh My Gosh (Oh My Gummybears)7. TTYL - Talk to You Later (Tacos, Tacos, Yum, Let's!)8. IDK - I Don't Kn