Little britain sayings

Here are some popular catchphrases and sayings from the British sketch comedy show "Little Britain":

1. "Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no..." - Vicky Pollard

2. "Computer says no" - Carol Beer

3. "I'm a lady!" - Emily Howard

4. "I want that one" - Lou Todd

5. "I'm the only gay in the village" - Daffyd Thomas

6. "I'm a laydee!" - Sebastian Love

7. "Eh eh eh, I'm a lady!" - Anne

8. "I'm a baby!" - Marjorie Dawes

9. "Dust. Anybody? No?" - Marjorie Dawes

10. "I'm a ting tong from Ting Tong" - Ting Tong Macadangdang

These sayings have become iconic and are often quoted by fans of the show.

Above is Little britain sayings.

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