Lizard lick towing ronnie sayings

Here are some popular sayings and catchphrases from Ronnie Shirley of Lizard Lick Towing:

1. "I'm fixin' to get all up in your business like a wedgie in a nudist colony."

2. "You mess with the bull, you get the horns."

3. "I'm like a mosquito at a nudist colony, I see everything."

4. "I'm like a tick on a fat dog, I ain't going nowhere."

5. "You can't shine a turd, but you can roll it in glitter."

6. "I'm like a bad penny, I keep turning up."

7. "I'm like a fart in a skillet, I'm hard to catch."

8. "I'm like a squirrel on a power line, I'm hard to catch and dangerous."

9. "I'm like a monkey in a banana factory, I'm gonna go ape on you."

10. "I'm like a snake in the grass, you never know when I'm gonna strike."

Above is Lizard lick towing ronnie sayings.

Friday night quotes sayings

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