Logic sayings and quotes

1. "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

2. "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." - Leonard Nimoy

3. "Logic is the anatomy of thought." - John Locke

4. "Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence." - Joseph Wood Krutch

5. "Logic is the sword by which we slay ancient superstitions." - Christopher Hitchens

6. "Logic is the foundation of the certainty of all the knowledge we acquire." - Immanuel Kant

7. "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." - Leonard Nimoy

8. "Logic is the technique by which we add conviction to truth." - Jean de la Bruyere

9. "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." - Leonard Nimoy

10. "Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence." - Joseph Wood Krutch

Above is Logic sayings and quotes.

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