Lottery sayings

1. "You have to be in it to win it."

2. "Luck be a lady tonight."

3. "Fortune favors the bold."

4. "A ticket to dreams."

5. "Feeling lucky?"

6. "All it takes is a dollar and a dream."

7. "The thrill of the chance."

8. "Winning is just a number away."

9. "Luck is believing you're lucky."

10. "Life is a game of chance, play it well."

Above is Lottery sayings.

Sayings of the 80's

1. Gag me with a spoon!2. Where's the beef?3. I pity the fool!4. Totally tubular!5. I've got the power!6. Radical, dude!7. Just say no.8. Don't have a cow, man!9. Barf me out!10. Like, gag me with a chainsaw!

Farewell from camp sayings

1. Camp may be over, but the memories will last forever.2. Leaving camp is hard, but the friendships we made will never fade.3. Goodbye camp, until we meet again next year.4. As we say farewell to camp, we take with us the laughter and the love.5. Camp may be ending, but the adventures will

Bible sayings about anxiety

1. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:62. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:73. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about i

Keep out quotes and sayings

Sure, here are some original thoughts instead of quotes and sayings:1. Life is a journey full of unexpected twists and turns, embrace the unknown and find joy in the adventure.2. The power of kindness is immeasurable; a small act of compassion can create ripple effects of positivity.3. In a world fu

Library sayings quotes

1. A library is a hospital for the mind. - Anonymous2. A library is a treasure house of knowledge. - Lailah Gifty Akita3. Libraries are the temples of learning. - Desiderius Erasmus4. In the library, time is immaterial, knowledge infinite, and the pursuit of wisdom eternal. - Unknown5. A li

Kung fu panda 3 sayings

1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.2. Your real strength comes from being the best you you can be. Who you are on the inside, that's what counts.3. If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.4.

Sayings template blank

Here are some blank sayings templates for you to fill in:1. When life gives you ____, make ____.2. ____ is the key to ____.3. Don't count your ____ before they hatch.4. A ____ a day keeps the ____ away.5. Actions speak louder than ____.6. ____ is as ____ does.7. You can't teach an old _

Hoodie with sayings

Hoodies with sayings are a popular fashion trend. Here are some common sayings you might find on hoodies:1. Stay Wild2. Good Vibes Only3. Be Kind4. Not Today5. Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life6. Empowered Women Empower Women7. Just Breathe8. Love Wins9. Adventure Awaits

Craig david sayings

1. I'm walking away, from the troubles in my life.2. 7 days, 7 days, that's all it takes to truly live.3. Fill me in, let me know your mind.4. Don't love you no more, I'm gonna give my love to someone else.5. Rise and fall, it's the game of love.6. Rewind, when the crowd say bo selecta.7

Red skelton sayings

Red Skelton was a beloved American comedian known for his humor and wit. Here are some popular sayings attributed to him:1. I'm a survivor. A living example of what people can go through and survive.2. All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner.3. I don't know what the se