Low life sayings

1. "Life's a bitch and then you die."

2. "I'm just a lost soul in a sea of mediocrity."

3. "I'm just a shadow of my former self."

4. "Life is a constant struggle with no end in sight."

5. "I'm just a speck in the grand scheme of things."

6. "I'm drowning in a sea of despair."

7. "Life is a cruel joke played on us all."

8. "I'm just a broken soul trying to survive."

9. "I'm just a ghost wandering through life."

10. "Life is a never-ending cycle of pain and disappointment."

Above is Low life sayings.

Sayings about wrong assumptions

1. Assumptions are the termites of relationships. - Henry Winkler2. Assumptions are the mother of all mistakes. - Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe3. Assumptions are the windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in. - Isaac Asimov4. Assumptions are the enemy o

Muslim sayings about love

1. Love for the sake of Allah.2. Love is a gift from Allah.3. Love your neighbor as yourself.4. Love is the foundation of all good deeds.5. Love is the key to happiness in this world and the Hereafter.6. Love is patient, love is kind.7. Love is the strongest bond between hearts.8. Lov

Against the grain sayings

1. Swimming against the tide.2. Marching to the beat of a different drum.3. Going against the flow.4. Coloring outside the lines.5. Walking a different path.6. Dancing to your own tune.7. Breaking the mold.8. Going against the current.9. Thinking outside the box.10. Going against

Is 21 degrees cold quotes and sayings

Here are some quotes and sayings about 21 degrees being cold:1. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. - Albert Camus2. Cold weather gives me an excuse to drink more hot chocolate. - Unknown3. There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropr

Sayings about rebellion

1. Rebellion is the seed of freedom. 2. In a society that values conformity, rebellion is a revolutionary act. 3. Rebellion is the voice of the oppressed. 4. Those who dare to rebel often pave the way for change. 5. Rebellion is the refusal to accept the status quo. 6. Sometimes, rebellio

Pirate sayings about drinking

1. Arrr, drink up me hearties, yo ho!2. A bottle of rum is a pirate's best friend.3. In the sea of life, a good drink is the only anchor.4. A pirate's life is fueled by grog and adventure.5. Here's to the wind at our backs and the rum in our bellies.6. Drink like a pirate, sail like a cap

Sayings examples with explanation

1. Actions speak louder than words.- This saying means that what someone does is more important and revealing than what they say. It emphasizes the importance of actions over mere promises or words.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.- This saying advises against being overly co

Deer quotes and sayings

1. The deer has an innocent face, but it is a fierce fighter when cornered. 2. In the forest, the deer teaches us to be gentle yet strong, graceful yet alert. 3. The deer symbolizes grace, beauty, and the ability to move through life with ease. 4. A deer's antlers are not just for show, they

Bagpuss sayings

Here are some famous sayings from Bagpuss, a popular British children's television show:1. Baggy, dear Baggy, old fat furry cat-puss.2. We will fix it, we will mend it, we will make it all right.3. Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss, old fat furry cat-puss, wake up and look at this thing that I bring.4. T

Sayings pe

Actions speak louder than words. Patience is a virtue.The early bird catches the worm.Fortune favors the bold.Every cloud has a silver lining.Rome wasn't built in a day.Better late than never.Two wrongs don't make a right.Where there's a will, there's a way.Good things come to tho