Loyalist sayings northern ireland

Here are some common sayings associated with loyalists in Northern Ireland:

1. "No surrender" - This phrase is often used by loyalists to express their determination and refusal to give in to their opponents.

2. "For God and Ulster" - This saying reflects the strong religious and cultural identity of loyalists in Northern Ireland.

3. "Ulster says no" - This slogan was popular during the opposition to the Anglo-Irish Agreement in the 1980s, symbolizing the rejection of any compromise on the constitutional status of Northern Ireland.

4. "Better to die on your feet than live on your knees" - This saying conveys the loyalist belief in standing up for their principles and not backing down in the face of adversity.

5. "We are the people" - This phrase is often used by loyalists to assert their identity and solidarity with their community.

These sayings reflect the strong sense of identity, loyalty, and defiance that are characteristic of loyalist culture in Northern Ireland.

Above is Loyalist sayings northern ireland.

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