Lust and love quotes and sayings

1. "Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important." - Carl Reiner

2. "Lust is temporary, but love is permanent." - Unknown

3. "Lust is the desire for the body; love is the desire for the soul." - Unknown

4. "Lust is what you do; love is what you feel." - Unknown

5. "Lust is the spark, but love is the flame that keeps it burning." - Unknown

6. "Lust is when you love what you see. Love is when you see what you love." - Unknown

7. "Lust is a wildfire, but love is a slow-burning fire that warms the soul." - Unknown

8. "Lust is the initial attraction, but love is the deep connection that lasts a lifetime." - Unknown

9. "Lust fades, but love grows stronger with time." - Unknown

10. "Lust is a momentary passion, but love is an enduring emotion." - Unknown

Above is Lust and love quotes and sayings.

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