M& m sayings

Here are a few popular sayings and quotes related to the letter "M":

1. "Make hay while the sun shines."

2. "Money can't buy happiness."

3. "Mind over matter."

4. "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."

5. "Many hands make light work."

6. "Might makes right."

7. "Mistakes are proof that you are trying."

8. "Music soothes the soul."

9. "Make the most of every moment."

10. "Manners maketh man."

Above is M& m sayings.

Italian sayings about love and marriage

1. Amore è cieco. (Love is blind.)2. Chi ama, crede. (Those who love, trust.)3. L'amore vince tutto. (Love conquers all.)4. Il matrimonio è come un mazzo di fiori, bisogna saperlo curare affinché non appassisca. (Marriage is like a bouquet of flowers, it must be cared for so it doesn't wi

Best 80s sayings

1. Gag me with a spoon!2. Like, totally!3. Radical, dude!4. Where's the beef?5. I pity the fool!6. Tubular!7. Don't have a cow, man!8. Grody to the max!9. Barf me out!10. I'm so sure!

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1. Every flower must grow through dirt. - Laurie Jean Sennott2. Blossom by blossom the spring begins. - Algernon Charles Swinburne3. Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would. - E.V.4. The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest a

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Furby sayings

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Bathtub quotes and sayings

1. A long soak in the bathtub is the perfect remedy for a long day. 2. The best ideas come to me while soaking in the tub. 3. There's nothing a hot bath can't cure. 4. Life is better with bubbles in the bathtub. 5. The bathtub is my sanctuary, my place of peace and relaxation. 6. A bath i

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Jealous love quotes and sayings

1. Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. - Drake2. Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy. - Robert A. Heinlein3. Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to