M&m candy valentine sayings

1. "You melt my heart like M&M's melt in my mouth."

2. "You're as sweet as a bag of M&M's."

3. "I'm nuts about you, just like the peanuts in M&M's."

4. "You make my heart skip a beat, just like the colors of M&M's."

5. "You're the perfect mix of sweet and colorful, just like M&M's."

6. "I love you more than a handful of M&M's."

7. "You're my favorite piece of candy, just like M&M's."

8. "You're the peanut butter to my chocolate, just like in M&M's."

9. "You make my world a little brighter, just like the colors of M&M's."

10. "You're the sweetest treat in my life, just like M&M's."

Above is M&m candy valentine sayings.

Sayings for 2021

1. New year, new beginnings.2. Embrace the challenges, they will make you stronger.3. Focus on progress, not perfection.4. Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.5. Every day is a fresh start.6. Dream big, work hard, stay focused.7. Believe in yourself and all that you are capable of.

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