Mahadev sayings

Here are a few sayings associated with Lord Shiva, also known as Mahadev:

1. "Om Namah Shivaya" - This is a powerful mantra that is often chanted to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva.

2. "Har Har Mahadev" - This is a popular chant that means "Victory to the great Lord Shiva."

3. "Shiva is the ultimate reality, the inner self." - This saying emphasizes the belief that Shiva represents the ultimate truth and inner essence of all beings.

4. "Destroy what destroys you." - This saying reflects the idea that Lord Shiva is the destroyer of evil and negativity, and encourages individuals to overcome their own inner demons.

5. "Shiva is the supreme consciousness that resides in all beings." - This saying highlights the belief that Shiva is not just a deity, but the universal consciousness that exists within all living beings.

These sayings capture the essence of Lord Shiva's teachings and philosophy, emphasizing qualities such as destruction of negativity, inner reflection, and universal consciousness.

Above is Mahadev sayings.

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