Manc sayings vs south

Sure, here are some examples of sayings that are commonly associated with people from Manchester (manc) and people from the south of England:

Manc sayings:

1. "Our kid" - Term of endearment for a sibling or close friend.

2. "Proper mint" - Really good or excellent.

3. "Sound" - Okay or good.

4. "Buzzin'" - Excited or happy.

5. "Ginnel" - Alleyway or narrow passage.

South sayings:

1. "Cheers mate" - Thank you or goodbye.

2. "Bob's your uncle" - Everything is sorted or completed.

3. "Gutted" - Disappointed or upset.

4. "Chuffed" - Pleased or proud.

5. "Blimey" - Expression of surprise or shock.

These are just a few examples and there are many more regional sayings and expressions that are unique to different parts of the UK.

Above is Manc sayings vs south.

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