Mancunian sayings and phrases

1. "Our kid" - Referring to a sibling or close friend.

2. "Ee by gum" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

3. "Proper job" - Well done or a job well executed.

4. "Going round the Wrekin" - Taking a long and indirect route to a destination.

5. "Bob's your uncle" - Everything will be fine or sorted out.

6. "Chuffed to bits" - Extremely pleased or happy.

7. "Mint" - Excellent or really good.

8. "Cob on" - Being in a bad mood or upset.

9. "Dead chuffed" - Very pleased or proud.

10. "Ginnel" - A narrow passageway or alleyway.

Above is Mancunian sayings and phrases.

Being a mother quotes and sayings funny

1. I brought you into this world, and I can take you out! - Unknown2. Raising kids is a walk in the park. Jurassic Park. - Unknown3. I used to have a handle on life, but then it broke. - Unknown4. I love being a mom, but some days I wish I could trade places with the dog. They have it so easy

Sayings about motivation

1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. - Charles Kingsleigh3. Success is walking from failure to failure with no l

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Latin sayings about trying

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Sayings about running away

1. Sometimes running away is the best way to figure out where you really belong.2. Running away doesn't solve your problems, but sometimes it gives you the space to find the solutions.3. The urge to run away is often a sign that you need to confront something within yourself.4. Running away m

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Anti valentine's day sayings

1. Love stinks, let's drink.2. Cupid is stupid.3. Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine's Day is overrated, and so are you.4. Love is for suckers.5. Valentine's Day is just a Hallmark holiday.6. Single and loving it, no need for a Valentine.7. February 14th is just another day.8. Love is a lie,

Japanese peace sayings

1. 和を以て尊しと為す (Wa wo motte toutoshi to nasu) - Create honor and respect through harmony.2. 和は力なり (Wa wa chikara nari) - Harmony is strength.3. 和をもって尊しと為す (Wa wo motte toutoshi to nasu) - Create honor and respect through harmony.4. 和やかな心 (Nagoyaka na kokoro) - A peaceful heart.5. 和をもって貴しとなす (W

Dog birthday sayings

1. Wishing a pawsitively wonderful birthday to the best dog in the world!2. Happy birthday to my fur-ever friend! You make every day brighter.3. Here's to another year of tail wags, belly rubs, and endless love. Happy birthday, pup!4. Age is just a number, but your love is timeless. Happy bir

Unpopular sayings of jesus

It's important to note that the sayings of Jesus in the Bible are considered sacred by many Christians, so it's not appropriate to label any of them as unpopular. However, there are some teachings of Jesus that may be less well-known or less frequently emphasized. Here are a few examples:1. Do no