Manipulative people quotes sayings

1. "Beware the manipulative person, for they will twist your words and emotions to serve their own agenda."

2. "A manipulative person will always find a way to make you feel guilty for standing up for yourself."

3. "The most dangerous manipulators are the ones who can make you believe that they are the victim."

4. "Manipulative people will use your vulnerabilities against you, so guard your heart and mind carefully."

5. "Don't be fooled by the charm of a manipulative person, for behind their smile lies a web of deceit."

6. "Manipulative people thrive on power and control, so don't give them the satisfaction of manipulating you."

7. "Trust your instincts when dealing with manipulative people, for they will always try to deceive you."

8. "Manipulative people are like puppet masters, pulling the strings to get what they want at your expense."

9. "Don't let the manipulative tactics of others cloud your judgment, stay true to yourself and your values."

10. "The best defense against manipulative people is to recognize their tactics and set firm boundaries to protect yourself."

Above is Manipulative people quotes sayings.

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