Maple leaf sayings

1. "As Canadian as a maple leaf."

2. "Turning over a new maple leaf."

3. "Maple leaf on the wind."

4. "Fallen like a maple leaf."

5. "Sweet as maple syrup."

6. "Strong as a maple tree."

7. "Maple leaf in the breeze."

8. "Maple leaf kisses the ground."

9. "Maple leaf whispers of autumn."

10. "Maple leaf dances in the sunlight."

Above is Maple leaf sayings.

Afrikaans sayings about family

1. Bloed is dikker as water. (Blood is thicker than water)2. Familie is waar die lewe begin en liefde nooit eindig nie. (Family is where life begins and love never ends)3. 'n Gesin is 'n groep mense wat saam lag, saam huil en saam liefhet. (A family is a group of people who laugh together, cry toget

Korean sayings about life

1. 삶이 있는 한 희망은 있다. (As long as there is life, there is hope.)2. 삶은 불확실한 여행이다. (Life is an uncertain journey.)3. 삶은 아름다워. (Life is beautiful.)4. 삶은 짧고 예쁘다. (Life is short and beautiful.)5. 삶은 고난과 역경을 이겨내는 것이다. (Life is about overcoming hardships and challenges.)6. 삶은 지혜를 얻는 여행이다. (Life is a journey t

Embroidery sayings for a teacher on a pot holder esty

1. Teaching is a work of heart2. Educating minds, touching hearts3. Teachers plant seeds of knowledge4. Teaching is a work of love5. Empowering minds, shaping futures6. Teaching is a work of heart and soul7. In a world where you can be anything, be a teacher8. Teaching is a work of pa

Cute sayings using candy

1. Life is sweet like candy, so enjoy every moment.2. You're the sprinkles on my cupcake of life.3. Donut worry, be happy!4. You're the jelly to my peanut butter.5. You're a smartie for being so sweet.6. Life is like a box of chocolates, full of surprises.7. You're the cherry on top of

Bisaya proverbs and sayings

Sure! Here are some Bisaya proverbs and sayings:1. Ang kahoy nga bugtong, dali ra masunog. (A lone tree easily catches fire.)2. Ang batasan sa tawo, sama sa iyang gipuy-anan. (A person's character is like their home.)3. Kung walay ayo, ayaw pagpahimulos. (If there's no benefit, don't bother.)4

Cute sayings to ask a girl to homecoming

1. I'd be over the moon if you'd go to homecoming with me!2. I'd be honored if you'd be my date to homecoming.3. I'd be tickled pink if you'd go to homecoming with me.4. I'd be on cloud nine if you'd say yes to being my date.5. I'd be the happiest guy in the room if you'd go to homecoming w

Sayings about teachers and students

1. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. - Brad Henry2. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward3. Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that las

Good tattoo sayings about life

1. Life is a journey, not a destination.2. Embrace the journey, live in the moment.3. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.4. Life is short, make it sweet.5. Every moment is a fresh beginning.6. Live the life you love, love the life you live.7. The only limit to our rea

Sayings on quiet ability

1. Quietness is the strength of the wise.2. In the quietness of your abilities lies your true power.3. Silence is not empty, it is full of answers.4. The ability to be quiet and listen is a rare gift.5. Great things are often achieved in silence.6. In the stillness of your mind, your abil

Good times show sayings

1. Dynomite! - Jimmy Walker as J.J. Evans in Good Times2. Kid Dy-no-mite! - J.J. Evans3. Damn, damn, damn! - Florida Evans4. I'm the man of the house! - James Evans5. I got a mind of my own! - Thelma Evans6. Bookman, Bookman, Bookman! - James Evans7. You big dummy! - Fred Sanford (fr