Maranao sayings

1. "Kaipiya sa ngan sa tao, aya sa langit." (The name of a person is on earth, but his reputation is in heaven.)

2. "Inka so taw a maito, inka so taw a mapia." (A person who is humble is a good person.)

3. "Sii ko a tao a maadun, sa kala iyan a maito." (A person who is knowledgeable is respected.)

4. "Inka so taw a maito, inka so taw a madakel." (A person who is good is also generous.)

5. "Inka so taw a maito, inka so taw a mabaya." (A person who is good is also trustworthy.)

6. "Kapapantay a tao sa kala iyan a maito." (A person's worth is based on his goodness.)

7. "Inka so taw a maito, inka so taw a mapia." (A person who is good is also kind.)

8. "Kaipiya sa ngan sa tao, aya sa langit." (A person's reputation is more important than his name.)

9. "Inka so taw a maito, inka so taw a mapia." (A person who is good is also honest.)

10. "Inka so taw a maito, inka so taw a madakel." (A person who is good is also respected.)

Above is Maranao sayings.

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