Maria felix sayings

Maria Felix, the iconic Mexican actress known as "La Doña," was known for her strong personality and memorable sayings. Here are some of her famous quotes:

1. "Don't play with me, because you're going to lose."

2. "I was born to be a star, and I will die a star."

3. "I am the most beautiful face in the world, and I have brought happiness to millions of people."

4. "I am a woman who came from the cotton fields. I am indestructible."

5. "I am the face that has made history."

6. "I am a woman who enjoys herself very much; sometimes I lose, sometimes I win."

7. "I have a face that is a cross between two races, and this is a source of pride for me."

8. "I am a woman who fights for what she wants and what she believes in."

9. "I am a woman who has lived her life to the fullest, without regrets."

10. "I am a woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself."

Above is Maria felix sayings.

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1. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off.2. Burning the candle at both ends.3. Spinning your wheels.4. Like a whirlwind.5. In a frenzy.6. Going a mile a minute.7. Like a bat out of hell.8. On the edge of your seat.9. Like a tornado.10. Like a madman/woman.

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