Marine sayings uk

Here are some popular marine sayings in the UK:

1. "Smooth sailing" - Referring to a situation that is going well or without any problems.

2. "Shipshape and Bristol fashion" - Meaning everything is in good order and well-organized.

3. "A rising tide lifts all boats" - Suggesting that when the overall situation improves, everyone benefits.

4. "Don't rock the boat" - Advising against causing trouble or disruption.

5. "All at sea" - Feeling confused or disoriented.

6. "Batten down the hatches" - Prepare for a difficult or challenging situation.

7. "By and large" - A nautical term meaning in general or overall.

8. "In deep water" - In a difficult or challenging situation.

9. "On an even keel" - Balanced and stable.

10. "Under the weather" - Feeling unwell or seasick.

Above is Marine sayings uk.

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