Mark rothko sayings

Mark Rothko was a renowned abstract expressionist artist known for his large, color field paintings. While he was not known for many direct quotes, here are a few sayings attributed to him:

1. "Silence is so accurate."

2. "The progression of a painter's work, as it travels in time from point to point, will be toward clarity: toward the elimination of all obstacles between the painter and the idea, and between the idea and the observer."

3. "A painting is not a picture of an experience; it is an experience."

4. "I'm interested only in expressing basic human emotions—tragedy, ecstasy, doom, and so on—and the fact that lots of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I communicate those basic human emotions."

5. "I realize that historically the function of painting large pictures is painting something very grandiose and pompous. The reason I paint them, however... is precisely because I want to be very intimate and human."

These quotes reflect Rothko's deep contemplation of art, emotion, and the human experience.

Above is Mark rothko sayings.

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