Masonic sayings and quotes

1. "Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." - Unknown

2. "In the Masonic order, we learn to subdue our passions, act upon the square, keep a tongue of good report, maintain secrecy, and practice charity." - Unknown

3. "Masonry teaches us to love our fellow man, to do good unto all, and to seek truth in all things." - Unknown

4. "Freemasonry is a journey of self-discovery, a path towards enlightenment and a way to improve oneself and the world around us." - Unknown

5. "As Masons, we are builders of character, builders of friendships, and builders of a better world." - Unknown

6. "The square teaches us to be honest in our dealings, the compass reminds us to keep our actions within due bounds, and the plumb line guides us to walk uprightly in our daily lives." - Unknown

7. "Masonry is a way of life, a code of conduct, and a path to self-improvement. It is a journey that never ends." - Unknown

8. "To be a Mason is to be a man of honor, integrity, and compassion. It is to live by the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth." - Unknown

9. "The true Mason is one who seeks to build a better world, one brick at a time, one act of kindness at a time, one word of wisdom at a time." - Unknown

10. "In the lodge, we meet as equals, regardless of our station in life. We are all brothers, bound by the ties of friendship, morality, and brotherly love." - Unknown

Above is Masonic sayings and quotes.

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