May 1 sayings

1. "April showers bring May flowers."

2. "May the force be with you."

3. "April may have fooled you, but May will rule you."

4. "April was a warm-up, May is the main event."

5. "May your troubles be less and your blessings be more."

6. "April is the cruelest month, but May is full of promise."

7. "April's gone, bring on May's dawn."

8. "April left, May arrived, time for new beginnings."

9. "April's goodbye brings May's hello."

10. "April's rain brings May's gain."

Above is May 1 sayings.

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1. A sheep in sheep's clothing.2. Follow the herd, but be your own shepherd.3. In the land of sheep, be the shepherd.4. Don't count sheep, be the shepherd.5. A wolf in sheep's clothing.6. Separate the sheep from the goats.7. A sheep may stray, but the shepherd will find a way.8. The g

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Decent mindset sayings

1. Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.2. The only limits that exist are the ones you place on yourself.3. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.4.

Stance sayings

1. Stand for something or you will fall for anything.2. Take a stand, even if it means standing alone.3. It's better to stand alone with integrity than to be in a crowd without it.4. Stand up for what is right, even if you're standing alone.5. A strong stance is better than a weak defense.