May you rest in peace quotes and sayings

1. "May you rest in peace, free from pain and suffering, surrounded by love and light."

2. "Rest in peace, your legacy will live on in the hearts of those who loved you."

3. "May you find eternal peace in the arms of the angels."

4. "Rest in peace, your spirit will always be with us."

5. "In the end, we all find peace. Rest in peace, dear one."

6. "May you rest in peace, knowing you are deeply loved and cherished."

7. "Rest in peace, your memory will forever be a blessing."

8. "May you find solace and tranquility in the afterlife. Rest in peace."

9. "Rest in peace, your journey on earth may have ended, but your spirit lives on."

10. "May you rest in peace, surrounded by the beauty and serenity of the heavens."

Above is May you rest in peace quotes and sayings.

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