Mayan quotes and sayings

Here are some Mayan quotes and sayings:

1. "In Lak'ech" - This phrase means "I am another yourself" and reflects the Mayan belief in interconnectedness and unity.

2. "Hunab Ku" - This phrase refers to the supreme god of the Mayan religion, representing the unity and balance of the universe.

3. "Aq'ab'al k'ax ulew" - This phrase means "The dawn is breaking" and symbolizes new beginnings and hope.

4. "Ixim che' ulew" - This phrase means "The corn is ripe" and represents abundance and prosperity.

5. "K'atun k'ax ulew" - This phrase means "The cycle is complete" and signifies the end of a chapter or phase in life.

These are just a few examples of Mayan quotes and sayings that reflect their rich culture and beliefs.

Above is Mayan quotes and sayings.

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