Mayan sayings

1. "In Lak'ech" - "I am another yourself."

2. "Hunab Ku" - "The only one God."

3. "In Yaxche' - "In the green tree."

4. "Ixim che' - "Corn is life."

5. "U k'ux kaj u k'ux ulew" - "You are my other me, you are my other you."

6. "In B'aalche' - "In the sacred cacao tree."

7. "K'atun u k'atun" - "A year is a year."

8. "K'atun u k'atun" - "A year is a year."

9. "U k'ux kaj u k'ux ulew" - "You are my other me, you are my other you."

10. "U k'ux kaj u k'ux ulew" - "You are my other me, you are my other you."

Above is Mayan sayings.

Funny mailbox sayings

1. Caution: Mailbox may contain bills and junk mail. Open at your own risk!2. Please don't feed the mailbox. It's on a strict diet of letters and packages only.3. Warning: Mailbox has a strong appetite for mail. Feed regularly to prevent hunger strikes.4. Inbox full of love letters and pizza

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Retreat sayings

1. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.2. Retreat, reflect, recharge.3. In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.4. Retreat to move forward.5. Disconnect to reconnect.6. Find peace in the quiet moments.7. Retreat to find your inner strength.8

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German sayings about being the same but different

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