Medieval latin sayings

1. "Carpe diem" - Seize the day

2. "Dum spiro spero" - While I breathe, I hope

3. "In vino veritas" - In wine, there is truth

4. "Fortuna audaces iuvat" - Fortune favors the bold

5. "Aquila non capit muscas" - The eagle does not catch flies

6. "Memento mori" - Remember that you will die

7. "Per aspera ad astra" - Through hardships to the stars

8. "Veni, vidi, vici" - I came, I saw, I conquered

9. "Sic transit gloria mundi" - Thus passes the glory of the world

10. "Non omnia possumus omnes" - Not all of us can do everything

Above is Medieval latin sayings.

Ozark sayings and

1. Well, butter my biscuit!2. He's slicker than a greased pig.3. She's tough as a pine knot.4. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.5. He's all hat and no cattle.6. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.7. She's madder than a wet hen.8. He's as stubborn as a Missouri m

Bobcat sayings

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1. మనసు మనకు వారికి మాట్లాడకు - Speak to others according to their understanding, speak to yourself according to your mind.2. ఒక్కసారి చెడును చూస్తే అనేక మందులు కలిగిపోతాయి - If you see one mistake, many will be made.3. అడవిలో ఆడిన కోడి వంకాయని చూస్తే అది తినిపోతాయి - If you see a crow dancing in th

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