Mens tshirts with funny sayings and symbols

Here are some examples of men's t-shirts with funny sayings and symbols:

1. "I Paused My Game to Be Here" with a video game controller symbol

2. "Suns Out Guns Out" with a sun and flexing arm symbol

3. "I'm Not Lazy, I'm Just in Energy Saving Mode" with a power button symbol

4. "I'm Not Arguing, I'm Just Explaining Why I'm Right" with a speech bubble symbol

5. "I'm Not a Regular Dad, I'm a Cool Dad" with a sunglasses-wearing dad symbol

6. "I'm Not Short, I'm Fun Size" with a height measurement symbol

7. "I Put the Pro in Procrastinate" with a clock symbol

8. "I'm Not a Morning Person" with a coffee cup symbol

9. "I'm Not Bossy, I Just Have Better Ideas" with a crown symbol

10. "I'm Not Weird, I'm Limited Edition" with a unique symbol

These are just a few examples, but there are many more options available online or in stores that offer a variety of funny sayings and symbols on men's t-shirts.

Above is Mens tshirts with funny sayings and symbols.

Mooji sayings

Here are some sayings by Mooji, a spiritual teacher and guru:1. The mind is like a cloud that comes and goes. The heart is like the sky, always present, always pure.2. You are not the mind, you are the witness of the mind.3. Don't be a storehouse of memories. Leave past, future and even present

Make up bags with sayings

1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but makeup helps too.2. Life is short, buy the makeup.3. Wake up and makeup.4. You can never have too much makeup... or too many makeup bags.5. My mascara is as black as my soul.6. I'm not perfect, but my makeup is.7. Lipstick can't solve all pro

Irish sayings in gaelic about love

1. Is fearr grá ná brón. (Love is better than sorrow.)2. Tá grá agam duit. (I love you.)3. Gráim thú go deo. (I love you forever.)4. Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin. (There's no hearth like your own hearth.)5. Is maith liom tú. (I like you.)6. Tá mo chroí istigh ionat. (My heart is

Sayings like sandwich short picnic

Quick bite on the goSnack breakPortable feastGrab-and-go mealEasy lunch option

Confidence phrases and sayings idioms

1. Fake it till you make it.2. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.3. Confidence is not 'they will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'4. Success is not the key to confidence. Confidence is the ke

I ll be on you like sayings

That's a great saying! It means you'll be very attentive or close to someone or something, just like how sayings are often remembered and repeated. It shows a strong sense of dedication or focus.

Sayings cross the bridge

Cross the bridge when you come to it.

Cute sayings to wake up too

1. Rise and shine, it's a brand new day!2. Good morning, sunshine! Time to sparkle.3. Wake up and be awesome!4. Today is a new beginning, make it amazing!5. Hello, beautiful day! Let's make some memories.6. Rise up, start fresh, see the bright opportunity in each new day.7. Good morning

Buddha sayings about patience

1. Patience is the companion of wisdom. 2. Patience is the key to success. 3. Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind. 4. Patience is the mark of true love and compassion. 5. Patience is the ability to wait without becoming a

Congratulations nurse sayings

1. Congratulations on your hard-earned achievement! You make a fantastic nurse.2. Your dedication and compassion have paid off - congratulations on becoming a nurse!3. You have chosen a noble profession, and your success is well-deserved. Congratulations on becoming a nurse!4. The world needs