Mens workout shirts with sayings

1. "Sweat is just fat crying"

2. "Train like a beast, look like a beauty"

3. "Stronger than yesterday"

4. "Rise and grind"

5. "No pain, no gain"

6. "Beast mode activated"

7. "Train insane or remain the same"

8. "Sore today, strong tomorrow"

9. "Eat clean, train dirty"

10. "Muscles and mascara"

Above is Mens workout shirts with sayings.

50th anniversary card sayings for parents

1. To the most amazing parents on your 50th anniversary. Your love and commitment to each other is an inspiration to us all.2. Congratulations on 50 years of love, laughter, and memories. You are the epitome of true love.3. Wishing you both a happy 50th anniversary filled with joy, love, and ch

Sayings about taking a chance

1. You'll never know unless you try.2. Fortune favors the bold.3. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. - Helen Keller4. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.5. Leap and the net will appear.6. Great things never come from comfort zones.7. The biggest risk

Casino movie sayings

1. You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk? - Dirty Harry (1971)2. In this town, it's all about who you know and the luck you have. - Casino (1995)3. The house always wins. - Various casino movies4. I'm not a man who's afraid of the odds. I play them. -

Dragnet sayings

1. Just the facts, ma'am.2. We're looking for a suspect known as 'The Big Brain.'3. This is the city: Los Angeles, California.4. The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.5. Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see is true. Only

Did love heart sweets use to have different sayings

Yes, Love Hearts sweets have been known for their iconic heart-shaped candies with different romantic messages printed on them. These messages have been a popular feature of the sweets for many years, with phrases such as Be Mine, Kiss Me, and True Love being commonly found on the candies. The

Self introduction funny sayings

Hello there, I'm like a fine wine - I get better with age, but I'm also known to cause a headache if you have too much of me!

Funny beer t shirt sayings

1. Beer: Because adulting is hard.2. I'm not drunk, I'm just embracing the beer culture.3. In beer we trust.4. Beer: Helping ugly people have sex since 1862.5. I have mixed drinks about feelings, but beer is always there for me.6. Beer: It's not just for breakfast anymore.7. Beer is pro

Life's not fair quotes sayings

1. Life is not fair, get used to it. - Bill Gates2. Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. - Oscar Wilde3. Life is not fair, but it is still good. - Unknown4. Life is unfair, but remember, sometimes it works in your favor too. - Unknown5. Life is n

6 month anniversary sayings for her

1. Six months of love, laughter, and memories with you - here's to many more.2. Half a year of being by your side, and I couldn't be happier. I love you.3. Celebrating six months of falling more in love with you every day.4. To the woman who has stolen my heart for the past six months - I lov

Anniversary sayings for 44 years of marriage

1. 44 years of love, laughter, and memories. Here's to many more!2. Through thick and thin, we've stood by each other for 44 years. Happy anniversary!3. Four decades and four years of love and commitment. Cheers to us!4. In 44 years, we've built a lifetime of love and happiness together. Happ