Mexican sayings about drinking
1. "Barriga llena, corazón contento." (Full belly, happy heart.)
2. "Para todo mal, mezcal. Para todo bien, también." (For every bad, mezcal. For every good, also.)
3. "El que con lobos anda, a aullar se enseña." (He who walks with wolves, learns to howl.)
4. "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta." (He who tries to grab too much, holds on to little.)
5. "Borracho y con pistola, ni te cases ni te embarques." (Drunk and with a gun, don't get married or embark on a journey.)
6. "A falta de pan, tortillas." (In the absence of bread, tortillas.)
7. "El que nace para tamal, del cielo le caen las hojas." (He who is born to be a tamale, the leaves fall from the sky for him.)
8. "Entre copa y copa, la verdad se asoma." (Between one drink and another, the truth comes out.)
9. "El que mucho bebe, poco piensa." (He who drinks a lot, thinks little.)
10. "A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar." (To drink and to swallow, for the world is going to end.)
Above is Mexican sayings about drinking.