Michigander sayings funny

Here are some funny sayings that Michiganders might use:

1. "It's colder than a polar bear's toenails out here!"

2. "I'm so used to potholes, I think my car has a built-in massage feature."

3. "You know you're from Michigan when you have four seasons in one day."

4. "I don't need a GPS, I have a built-in compass that always points me towards a Coney Island."

5. "The only thing that spreads faster than rumors in Michigan is road construction."

6. "I'm not a weatherman, but I can predict with 100% accuracy that it's going to snow in April."

7. "I'm not saying we have a lot of lakes in Michigan, but I think I have more friends with boats than without."

8. "You know you're a Michigander when you have a winter coat, flip flops, and sunscreen in your car at all times."

9. "I'm not sure if I'm sweating from the humidity or crying because the Lions lost again."

10. "In Michigan, we measure distance in time, not miles. 'Oh, it's about a 20-minute drive' means it could be anywhere from 5 to 50 miles away."

Above is Michigander sayings funny.

Onesie sayings

1. Nap Queen2. I woke up like this3. Cuddle Monster4. Snooze Button Champion5. Netflix and Chill6. Coffee, Cuddles, and Onesies7. Just Here for the Snacks8. Lazy Days, Cozy Nights9. Sleepy Head10. Living the Comfy Life

Burnt out quotes and sayings

1. It's better to burn out than to fade away. - Neil Young2. Burnout is nature's way of telling you, you've been going through the motions your soul has departed; you're a zombie, a member of the walking dead, a sleepwalker. - Sam Keen3. The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

My boyfriend quotes and sayings

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Black tie sayings

1. Dress like you're going somewhere better later.2. A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life.3. You can never be overdressed or overeducated.4. A man in a well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.5. Dress up your dreams and they might just come true.6. Elegance is

As lucky as a sayings

as lucky as a four-leaf clover

Arabic sayings about camels

1. الجمل لا يرى جماله وإنما يرى جمال الآخرين Translation: The camel does not see its own beauty, but sees the beauty of others.2. الجمل لا ينطق إلا بعد مشيئة الله Translation: The camel does not speak except by the will of God.3. الجمل يمشي ويحمل وزناً ثقيلاً دون أن يشكو Translation: The

Cute sayings about blondes

1. Blondes have more fun!2. Life is better with a little blonde in it.3. Blondes may have more fun, but brunettes remember it the next day.4. Blondes do it better.5. Blondes are sunshine mixed with a little hurricane.6. Blondes are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.7. Blondes have

19th birthday card sayings

1. Happy 19th birthday! May this year be filled with new adventures, laughter, and unforgettable memories.2. Wishing you a fantastic 19th birthday filled with joy, love, and all the happiness in the world.3. Cheers to 19 years of amazing moments and endless possibilities. Happy birthday!4. On

Call of duty sayings zombies

1. Double tap root beer!2. Insta-kill!3. Max ammo!4. Carpenter!5. Fetch me their souls!6. Ka-boom!7. Fire sale!8. The box is calling to me!9. I need to find the power switch!10. Don't leave a crawler!

Primping sayings meaning

Primping sayings typically refer to phrases or expressions that are used to describe the act of grooming, dressing up, or making oneself look more attractive. These sayings often emphasize the importance of personal appearance and self-care. Some examples of primping sayings include:- Put your be