Mike tyson joke sayings

Sure, here are a few humorous sayings related to Mike Tyson:

1. "I asked Mike Tyson for his autograph, but he knocked me out before I could get a pen."

2. "Mike Tyson doesn't need a punching bag, he just stares at it until it falls down."

3. "Mike Tyson's favorite dance move is the knockout."

4. "If Mike Tyson was a chef, every dish would be served with a side of punch."

5. "Mike Tyson doesn't need a phone, he just knocks on your door and you answer."

6. "I told Mike Tyson a joke once, he didn't laugh, but I did... from the floor."

7. "Mike Tyson's favorite board game is 'Knockout Monopoly'."

I hope these bring a smile to your face!

Above is Mike tyson joke sayings.

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