Military sayings uk

Here are some popular military sayings from the UK:

1. "Who dares, wins" - The motto of the British Special Air Service (SAS), emphasizing the importance of taking risks and being bold in order to achieve success.

2. "For Queen and Country" - A phrase used to express loyalty and dedication to the monarch and the nation.

3. "Blood, sweat, and tears" - Refers to the hard work, sacrifice, and determination required in military service.

4. "Keep calm and carry on" - Though not originally a military saying, this phrase has become associated with British resilience and determination, particularly during times of adversity.

5. "No pain, no gain" - Emphasizes the idea that success often requires hard work and sacrifice.

6. "Stand firm and strike hard" - Encourages soldiers to remain steadfast and resolute in the face of challenges, and to act decisively when the time comes.

7. "Adapt, improvise, overcome" - Encourages flexibility and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles and achieving objectives.

These sayings reflect the values of courage, determination, loyalty, and resilience that are important in the UK military.

Above is Military sayings uk.

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