Minnesota accent sayings

1. "You betcha" - A common phrase meaning "you're welcome" or "yes, of course."

2. "Uff da" - An expression of surprise, frustration, or exhaustion.

3. "Don'tcha know" - A phrase used to emphasize a point or ask if someone understands.

4. "Oh, for cute" - A playful way to express admiration or affection.

5. "You're a real gem" - A compliment to someone who is kind or helpful.

6. "I'm just gonna sneak by ya" - A polite way to move past someone in a crowded space.

7. "It's a hot dish kind of night" - Referring to a casserole or comfort food meal.

8. "That's a real beaut, don'tcha know" - A way to compliment something that is impressive or well done.

9. "I'm gonna go grab some pop" - Referring to soda or a carbonated beverage.

10. "I'm gonna head up to the cabin this weekend" - Referring to a vacation home or retreat in the woods.

Above is Minnesota accent sayings.

Trust me sayings

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German sayings about life in english

1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. - German saying: Das Leben ist wie eine Schachtel Pralinen, man weiß nie, was man kriegt.2. Every beginning is difficult. - German saying: Aller Anfang ist schwer.3. Life is too short to drink bad wine. - German say