Misfortune cookie sayings

1. "You will step on a Lego in the near future."

2. "Your phone will fall in the toilet."

3. "You will spill coffee on your favorite shirt."

4. "A bird will poop on your car."

5. "You will forget your umbrella on a rainy day."

6. "You will accidentally send a text to the wrong person."

7. "You will lose your keys at the worst possible moment."

8. "You will trip and fall in public."

9. "You will have a wardrobe malfunction."

10. "You will get a parking ticket."

Above is Misfortune cookie sayings.

Leek sayings

1. As cool as a cucumber, as sharp as a leek.2. Don't cry over spilled leeks.3. A leek in time saves nine.4. When life gives you leeks, make leek soup.5. Straight as a leek.6. In a leek, there is strength.7. Leek by leek, the goose is plucked.8. A leek a day keeps the doctor away.9.

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Best uncle quotes and sayings

1. Uncles are there to help the child get into mischief they haven't thought of yet. - Unknown2. An uncle is a blessing. It means so many things. Words could never tell the joy an uncle brings. - Unknown3. Uncles are like a second father, always there to offer support and guidance. - Unknown4.

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