Missing college friends quotes and sayings

1. "College friends are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they're always there."

2. "In college, you make friends for a lifetime. The memories you create together will last forever."

3. "College friends are the family you choose for yourself."

4. "The best part of college is not the classes or the exams, but the friends you make along the way."

5. "College friends are the ones who see you at your best and worst, and love you anyway."

6. "Distance may separate us, but the memories we made in college will always keep us close."

7. "College friends are the ones who know all your secrets and still love you unconditionally."

8. "No matter where life takes us, the bond we formed in college will always remain strong."

9. "College friends are the ones who make even the toughest days a little brighter."

10. "The friends you make in college are the ones who shape you into the person you become."

Above is Missing college friends quotes and sayings.

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