Mitochondria funny sayings

1. "I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy like a mitochondria."

2. "Mitochondria: the powerhouse of the cell and the life of the party."

3. "Mitochondria: turning food into fuel and making ATP look easy."

4. "I've got more energy than a mitochondria on caffeine."

5. "Mitochondria: the original energy drink."

6. "Don't mess with me, I've got the power of a thousand mitochondria."

7. "Mitochondria: where the magic (and ATP) happens."

8. "I'm so efficient, I could power a city like a mitochondria."

9. "Mitochondria: making sure your cells stay lit."

10. "I'm feeling charged up, must be all those active mitochondria in me."

Above is Mitochondria funny sayings.

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Conversation hearts sayings 2014

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