Momentum sayings

1. "Momentum is a powerful force that can propel you towards your goals."

2. "Success breeds success - once you start gaining momentum, it's easier to keep going."

3. "Momentum is like a snowball rolling down a hill - it starts small but can quickly become unstoppable."

4. "Don't underestimate the power of momentum in achieving your dreams."

5. "When you have momentum on your side, even the toughest challenges become easier to overcome."

6. "Keep moving forward, even if it's just a small step - momentum will build over time."

7. "Momentum is the key to turning dreams into reality."

8. "Inertia is the enemy of progress - keep the momentum going to avoid getting stuck."

9. "Embrace the momentum of change and let it carry you towards new opportunities."

10. "The key to success is to keep the momentum going, even when faced with setbacks."

Above is Momentum sayings.

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