Monday sayings quotations

1. "Monday is a fresh start. It's never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success." - Unknown

2. "It's Monday. Get a new perspective. Whatever obstacle you're facing, it's not permanent." - Unknown

3. "Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!" - David Dweck

4. "Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life." - Germany Kent

5. "Monday is a day of beginnings and new starts. It's a day where the week is before you and possibilities are endless." - Unknown

6. "Don't let the Monday blues get you down. Embrace the new week with enthusiasm and positivity." - Unknown

7. "Mondays are the perfect day to correct last week's mistakes and start a new week with a clean slate." - Unknown

8. "Monday is a day to start fresh, to set new goals, and to make progress towards achieving your dreams." - Unknown

9. "Monday is a day to be seized with zeal and enthusiasm." - Catherine Pulsifer

10. "Mondays are the beginning of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!" - David Dweck

Above is Monday sayings quotations.

Sayings after losing a loved one

1. Grief is the price we pay for love.2. Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.3. Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.4. The pain of losing someone you love is a reminder of how deeply you have loved

Nzl sayings 4letters

1. Kia ora2. Tino pai3. Haere mai4. Aroha

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1. Special Delivery!2. What's the problem, Mrs. Goggins?3. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.4. We're on our way!5. Another day, another delivery.6. Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat.7. No job is too big, no pup is too small.8. Through rain or sno

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1. I am a gemini, a lover and a fighter, a dreamer and a doer.2. I may be two-faced, but at least both of them are fabulous.3. My mind is like a maze, full of twists and turns, but always leading to something exciting.4. I am a gemini, constantly evolving and adapting to the world around me.

Church sign sayings about prayer

1. Prayer is the key to unlock the door of God's blessings.2. When life gets too hard to stand, kneel in prayer.3. Prayer is the best wireless connection to God.4. Prayer: the world's greatest wireless connection.5. Prayer is the heartbeat of the believer.6. Prayer is the language of the

Rainy days sayings

1. Into each life some rain must fall. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow2. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. - Vivian Greene3. The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow4. Some people feel the

Thank you sayings for employees

1. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.2. We appreciate all that you do to contribute to the success of our team.3. Your commitment to excellence is truly commendable. Thank you for your outstanding work.4. Thank you for going above and beyond in ever

Sayings about impending doom

1. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.2. The storm clouds gather, foretelling the coming tempest.3. The sword of Damocles hangs over our heads.4. The shadow of fate looms large on the horizon.5. The countdown to catastrophe has begun.6. The signs of impending disaster are all around

Birthday card sayings for my wife

1. To my beautiful wife on your special day, may your birthday be as wonderful as you are to me every day.2. Happy birthday to the love of my life, my partner in crime, and my best friend. I am so grateful to have you by my side.3. On your birthday, I want you to know how much you mean to me. Y

Anyone know any short french sayings

Here are a few short French sayings:1. C'est la vie - This translates to That's life in English and is used to express acceptance of life's ups and downs.2. Bon appétit - This is a common saying before starting a meal, meaning Enjoy your meal.3. Joie de vivre - This phrase translates to J