Monster quotes sayings

1. "I am the monster you created, but I am also the one who will destroy you."

2. "In the end, we are all monsters in our own way."

3. "Fear not the monster under your bed, but the one within your own heart."

4. "Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."

5. "The true monster is not the one with claws and fangs, but the one who preys on the innocence of others."

6. "Beware the monster who wears a human face, for they are the most dangerous of all."

7. "Monsters are not born, they are made. And sometimes, they are made by the cruelty of others."

8. "The monster you see in the mirror is the one you must conquer before you can defeat any other."

9. "The greatest monsters are those who believe they are doing good, even as they commit unspeakable acts."

10. "The monster within me is always hungry, always searching for more. But I must resist, for I am more than my darkness."

Above is Monster quotes sayings.

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