Moral sayings for not getting involved

1. "Not my circus, not my monkeys."

2. "Stay in your lane."

3. "Not my battle to fight."

4. "Let sleeping dogs lie."

5. "Don't poke the bear."

6. "Mind your own business."

7. "Not my problem."

8. "Choose your battles wisely."

9. "Sometimes the best response is no response."

10. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Above is Moral sayings for not getting involved.

Sayings for little girls birthday invitations

1. Join us for a magical day as we celebrate [Name]'s birthday!2. Come and play, it's [Name]'s special day!3. Let's make some memories at [Name]'s birthday party!4. Princesses, unicorns, and fun galore, it's [Name]'s birthday party and so much more!5. Twirl, dance, and twinkle with glee, it

Gaelic irish sayings

1. Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras. (Hunger is good sauce.)2. Ní neart go cur le chéile. (There is no strength without unity.)3. Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine. (People live in each other's shadows.)4. Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste. (Broken Irish is better than clever E

Best fathers day sayings

1. A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.2. Dad: A son's first hero, a daughter's first love.3. Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.4. Dads are like chocolate chip cookies; they may have chips or be totally nutty, but they are sweet and m

Community sign sayings

1. Together we can make a difference.2. In this community, we lift each other up.3. Unity in diversity.4. Kindness is contagious.5. Stronger together.6. Love thy neighbor.7. Building a better tomorrow, one act of kindness at a time.8. In this community, we support and empower each oth

Memoir quotes and sayings

1. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts2. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. - Vivian Greene3. The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. - Tony Robbins4. The

Kenneth williams sayings

Kenneth Williams was a British actor and comedian known for his quick wit and sharp humor. Some of his famous sayings include:1. Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!2. Stop messing about!3. Ooh, matron!4. What a performance!5. I've always been interested in people, but I've never l

Cute teacher sayings with candy

1. You're a real smartie, keep up the good work!2. You're a starburst of creativity in this class!3. Donut worry, you're doing great!4. You're a lifesaver in this classroom!5. You're a real treat to have in class!6. You're the sweetest student in the bunch!7. You're a real gem, just lik

Airheaded sayings quotes

1. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.2. I may be dumb, but at least I'm not smart enough to know it.3. I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'll figure it out eventually.4. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm still useful.5. I may not be the brightest bulb in the box, bu

Famous french sayings used in english

1. C'est la vie - This phrase translates to that's life and is used to express acceptance of a situation or event.2. Joie de vivre - This phrase means joy of living and is used to describe a cheerful and exuberant enjoyment of life.3. Laissez-faire - This term translates to let do and is

Coffee mugs and plates with inspirational sayings

That's a great idea! Here are some inspirational sayings that you could consider for coffee mugs and plates:1. Start each day with a grateful heart.2. Believe in yourself and all that you are.3. You are capable of amazing things.4. Embrace the journey, not just the destination.5. Dream big,