Mosaic quotes and sayings

1. "Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." - Henry Ward Beecher

2. "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton

3. "Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known." - Oscar Wilde

4. "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." - Pablo Picasso

5. "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." - Edgar Degas

6. "Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth." - Pablo Picasso

7. "Every artist was first an amateur." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

8. "Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." - Twyla Tharp

9. "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." - Cesar A. Cruz

10. "The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery." - Francis Bacon

Above is Mosaic quotes and sayings.

Charles bukowski sayings

1. Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.2. Find what you love and let it kill you.3. I don't hate people. I just feel better when they aren't around.4. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.5. I don't k

Sayings with the word hope

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Inspiring sayings in english

1. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt2. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs3. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer4. The futu

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1. Time can be rewritten.2. Time is not the boss of me.3. Time is a burden we all bear.4. Time is a companion that goes with us on the journey.5. Time is a predator that stalks us all our lives.6. Time is a river which carries us all away.7. Time is a great healer, but a poor beautician

Sayings about murderers

1. Murderers are not born, they are made.2. The hand that takes a life can never truly be clean.3. A murderer's conscience is their eternal prison.4. Murder is a crime that stains the soul.5. In the end, the only one a murderer truly destroys is themselves.6. The shadow of a murderer's de

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1. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey2. The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln3. In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln4. Age is mer

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1. From little acorns grow mighty oaks.2. You're as nutty as an acorn!3. Acorn-ucopia of happiness.4. Squirreling away memories like an acorn.5. Acorn-stantly grateful for you.6. You're the acorn to my oak tree.7. Acorn-y jokes are the best.8. Acorn-tainly charming.9. Acorn-omical w

Bell christmas sayings

1. Ring in the holiday season with joy and cheer!2. Jingle all the way to a Merry Christmas!3. May your Christmas be filled with the sweet sound of bells.4. Let the bells of Christmas bring peace and happiness to all.5. Ring out the old, ring in the new - Merry Christmas to you!6. The sou