Most common arabic sayings

1. "الصديق وقت الضيق" (Al-sadeeq waqt al-dayq) - A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. "الصبر مفتاح الفرج" (Al-sabr miftah al-faraj) - Patience is the key to relief.

3. "من شبّ على شيء شاب عليه" (Man shabba 'ala shay shabba 'alayh) - He who starts something will finish it.

4. "العقل زينة" (Al-'aql zinah) - Intelligence is beauty.

5. "الحب أعمى" (Al-hubb 'ama) - Love is blind.

6. "الجوع أفضل طبق" (Al-joo' afdal tabaq) - Hunger is the best seasoning.

7. "العين حق" (Al-'ayn haqq) - The eye is truthful.

8. "العلم نور" (Al-'ilm nur) - Knowledge is light.

9. "الكتمان حكمة" (Al-kitman hikmah) - Silence is wisdom.

10. "اللي ما يعرف الصقر يشويه" (Al-lay ma yarif al-saqar yushwih) - If you don't know how to handle something, don't touch it.

Above is Most common arabic sayings.

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