Most famous scottish gaelic sayings

1. "Is math a thàinig gun sìth, 's math a thàinig gun iarraidh." (What comes without peace, goes without asking.)

2. "Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh." (There is no flood that does not recede.)

3. "Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl." (The world will come to an end, but love and music will endure.)

4. "Ged a sheòl sinn far an tìr mòr, cha bhi sinn air chall." (Though we sail far from the great land, we will not be lost.)

5. "Tha gaol agam ort." (I love you.)

6. "Thig an latha, thig an t-oidhche." (The day will come, the night will come.)

7. "Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas na teine mòr a loisgeas." (A small fire that warms is better than a big fire that burns.)

8. "Bidh an t-àm ann a-rithist." (Time will come again.)

9. "Tha an t-acras orm." (I am hungry.)

10. "Tha mi duilich." (I am sorry.)

Above is Most famous scottish gaelic sayings.

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