Most popular spanish sayings

1. "Más vale tarde que nunca" - Better late than never

2. "A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda" - The early bird catches the worm

3. "No hay mal que por bien no venga" - Every cloud has a silver lining

4. "En boca cerrada no entran moscas" - Silence is golden

5. "El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta" - Jack of all trades, master of none

6. "Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres" - Birds of a feather flock together

7. "A caballo regalado no se le mira el dentado" - Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

8. "Más vale prevenir que lamentar" - An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

9. "Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente" - Out of sight, out of mind

10. "El que siembra vientos, recoge tempestades" - You reap what you sow

Above is Most popular spanish sayings.

Cute music love sayings

1. You are the music to my heart's melody.2. Our love is like a beautiful symphony, harmonious and timeless.3. You make my heart sing with joy and love.4. In the orchestra of life, you are my favorite tune.5. Our love is a sweet melody that plays in my heart all day long.6. You are the ly

Competitive diving sayings

1. Dive like you mean it.2. In diving, precision is key.3. Go big or go home.4. Dive with heart, win with grace.5. The pool is your stage, make every dive count.6. Dive fearlessly, succeed effortlessly.7. Train hard, dive harder.8. Dive with passion, soar with pride.9. Dive as if no

Im leaving sayings

May your journey be filled with adventure, growth, and joy. Farewell, and may our paths cross again someday.

Polite southern sayings

1. Bless your heart.2. Well, butter my biscuit!3. I do declare.4. Mighty kind of you.5. Thank you kindly.6. Well, I'll be hornswoggled!7. Well, slap my knee!8. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!9. Well, I swanee!10. Well, ain't that just peachy keen?

Elvis presley sayings and quotes

Here are some famous quotes attributed to Elvis Presley:1. Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine.2. I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to.3. The image is one thing and the human being is another. It's very hard to live up to an image, put it that way.4. I'm not trying

Love for parents quotes and sayings in hindi

1. माँ-बाप की ममता अनमोल है, उनके बिना जीवन अधूरा है।2. माँ-बाप के प्यार में खो जाना ही जीवन का सच्चा सुख है।3. माँ-बाप की दुआएं हमेशा हमारे साथ होती हैं, जो हमें हर मुश्किल से निकालती हैं।4. माँ-बाप का प्यार बिना शर्त होता है, जो हमें हमेशा संभाल कर रखता है।5. माँ-बाप की खुशियों में ही हमा

7 sayings of christ from the cross

1. Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34)2. Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)3. Woman, here is your son. (John 19:26)4. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46)5. I am thirsty. (John 19:28)6. It is

Open door sayings

1. When one door closes, another opens.2. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.3. The door to success is always open for those who are willing to push it.4. Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.5. Behind every closed door, there is an open window.6. I

Secret quotes and sayings

1. The best way to keep a secret is to not tell anyone. 2. A secret is only a secret until you tell someone. 3. The walls have ears, so be careful who you trust with your secrets. 4. Secrets are like seeds, they only grow when kept hidden. 5. In the end, all secrets are revealed, so choose

Inspiratipnal sayings for adts not cheezy

1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs3. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt4. The futu