Mother in law sayings for mothers day

1. "A mother-in-law is like a second mother, only better because she doesn't nag you as much!"

2. "Behind every great mother is an even greater mother-in-law."

3. "A mother-in-law's love is like no other, always there to support and guide you."

4. "I may not have given birth to you, but you are still my child in every way that matters."

5. "To my wonderful daughter-in-law/son-in-law, thank you for making my child so happy and for being a loving parent to my grandchildren."

6. "You may not have been born into our family, but you have certainly become an integral part of it. Happy Mother's Day!"

7. "I am grateful for the love and care you show to my child and our family. Happy Mother's Day!"

8. "Having you as a daughter-in-law/son-in-law has been a blessing beyond measure. Happy Mother's Day!"

9. "You are not just a daughter-in-law/son-in-law to me, you are a cherished member of our family. Happy Mother's Day!"

10. "On this Mother's Day, I want to thank you for all the love and joy you bring into our lives. You are truly a special part of our family."

Above is Mother in law sayings for mothers day.

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